Saturday, December 08, 2007

Take My End of the Year Quiz

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Feeling all argy bargy. Trying out new things like this quiz form I just discovered while trying to find out what is going wrong with my G4 laptop. I've been getting these scary horizontal and vertical lines in multicolours on my display. Someone on the web with a similar experience described the pattern as an IKEA duvet cover. Very apt. This is not what you want on your laptop screen, believe me. This problem erupted a week ago and has been filling me with dread ever since. There's been alot of agonized surfing and relentlessly scouring help forums since that time.

You never know WHAT you are going to find when you are on the web. Like just coming across this forms web tool from Pretty cool.

After a few months away, I've been back to teaching myself how to design pages for the web. When all part of me really want to do is putter around in a greenhouse.

Maybe that's not true. I obviously want to learn all this stuff if I am reading books about html and code, and staying up late and using all this time of my life trying to get Ye Old Head around it.

But I despair somewhat. Why did my chosen field get so technically complicated? When I started it was all about waxing machines and gouache and magic markers. Really tangible stuff that was sticky and smelled like something. Part of that was great, but part of it was tedious too. Drawing out grids by hand with rapido graphs that clogged. Hated all that. I do love computers and what they do. I LOVE command z. And instantanteously seeing what a certain font looks like in my chosen text. But there is so much to learn now, and it is getting faster and faster all the time. I long for a 6 month moratorium on software upgrades. Just to catch up.

Maybe more ginkgo is needed? Wondering if my splishy-splasshy slapdash methods are really the right sort to properly execute anything on the web? Yet I seem to want to learn this. As it is the means to a very fun end.

I think.

Ask me next year. I'll have a new quiz by that time.

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